The purchase of the first pair of baby shoes is always an event! Our tips to buy no mistaken


According to some experts, it is better to wait until the child walk for three months, the risk that the foot does not muscle. Others believe, however, that you can put on when he stands up or at times. In any case, at first, feel free to leave Baby barefoot or wearing light shoes. This will allow it to more easily find its balance and beef up her feet. Also enjoy a vacation for it to work on soft ground like sand or grass. In this manner, his foot will learn to contract, to improve its stability. First sandals to 1 year.

«At 9 months, my son wanted to get up. It was winter, so I bought some warm slippers leather, zippered so it does not remove. skin in the sole allow him to take a good support. It now moves pushing a cart and wants to walk in promenade I chose her first shoes: closed sandals. Surprised to have a little tight feet, he did it very quickly » Guillemette. - Bourges (18) 


Your child will never tell you that his shoes are too small and hurt his feet. So, between 1 and 2 years, you will have to buy him new shoes every four or five months. Better knowledge and provide next budget! Also, always prefer quality at cheap. You've heard plenty of advice to «save» like buying a size up to win a pair, because «his feet grow so fast.» Error?! It should never be too big, walking not yet acquired for your little one. Learning with inappropriate shoes would not facilitate this task, it might take a bad support. 

Issue size, use a foot shoe measurer ?: consider putting your child standing because its not muscular foot will easily win a centimeter. Before buying, make sure the size of the boot is perfect, you need to move your index finger between the heel and the back of the shoe.

foot shoe measurer
foot shoe measurer

You do not have to foot shoe measurer? Put Baby standing barefoot on a large sheet of paper. Trace around his feet, cut out the shape and compare it with the shoes. How often grow feet Baby? Now that his first shoes are adopted, regularly ensure the growth of its feet. Your bout'chou size will change quickly during its first two years. Remember to check from time to time wear and deformations to always make him a perfect fit.

If his approach worries you, remember that consulting a podiatrist before its 4 years is useless, because nothing is final and it is evolving very quickly. Some figures An infant, 12 shoes and there are shoes from size 16. For small, it is advisable to choose a higher size of a good cm to the foot. Thus the toes do not overlap and the foot has all the room to spread out. At 18 months, the feet of the boys measure half of what they will do as adults. For girls, that is 1 year that this comparison is done. Around 3-4 years, adult approach is acquired. Baby's size changes every two months until its 9 months and approximately every 4 months. From 2 years, foot gains 10 mm per year, a size and a half. 

baby shoes
Baby Shoes


Laces or velcro? high shoes or low? Our advice to make the best choice among all child models ...

There are several important criteria to choose the shoes of her child. Ask yourself the right questions :

What closure system?

During the first year, prefer laces: maintaining better and laces adapt better to the shape of the instep of the foot. Namely: more lacing, the lower the shoe will open widely. It will be more fit to your baby. As soon as he begins to dress himself (sometimes as early as two years), opt for scratches, he will learn the autonomy more easily.

high shoes or low?

Low shoes are not recommended for toddlers. But then she allow the ankle to strengthen. Senior models better hold the foot and wedge heel. But carried too early, they keep too much, do not facilitate walking and create some muscle laziness. From 2 or 3 years, it can wear any style.

Is the zipper at the back useful?

It is used to put the shoe more easily, but avoid using it because you might not sufficiently unlace the shoes. Suddenly, the little foot is not positioned correctly, it gets stuck and toes are placed as they can in a too tight sock.

Should we buy shoes that hug the arch?

Feet of a baby, rather fat and round, often flattened by muscular insufficiency of the arch. It will begin to dig that around 18 months - 2 years. The arch shoes are unnecessary at the toddler who keeps her quilting foot plant.

Can you use the shoes of the elder?

It is often said that you should never make a child wear the shoes of the elder because they are distorted. But experts say that "for toddlers, it is less important." Their shoes are generally not worn and do not show signs of wear. The varnish of the sole is often still visible and the heel is not initiated by a foot walking slowly.

The advantages of a good shoe

  - From the above leather and lining, only material that prevents allergies.

  - A non-slip sole of a maximum thickness cm. It must be tough, but not too rigid not oppose place footsteps.

  - A rising stem, but quite flexible.

  - A rigid enough to buttress the heel remains stable.

  - A front part of the shoe well wide. For a baby who does not yet know well bend the foot, it is good that the toe of the shoe is raised.

  - A tongue of good length for it is she who protects the instep of the foot.

Be careful not to fall back when tightening the laces: the bead thus constituted could hurt baby.


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