A Guide To Graviola Fruit

It is a known fact, that Amazon rain forest has provided several valuable plants, which have saved many lives. At present, there are more than 40,000 plants, in which only 10,000 plants have used. There are several plants, which are capable of curing cancer, and other incurable diseases. In this article, I would highlight valuable information about Graviola fruit, which can cure some deadly diseases. 

Guide Graviola Fruit

Nature provides cure to most of the deadly diseases, without any side effects. Additionally, most of the products are available everywhere with a cheaper price. 

Graviola Fruit

The plant grows in the Amazon region of Brazil, and other neighboring countries, which share borders of Amazon forest. Additionally, it is grows in tropical forest of North America. The plant grows up to 15 meters high, and surrounded by long, green, and glossy leaves. The fruits are mostly of green color with a bit yellow shining. The shape is in the form of human heart, and the outer skin appears like a cactus. Additionally, the fruit flesh is eatable, and available in domestic and international fruits. The pulp is used for producing a sour acid drink. 

Indian tribes have been using Graviola for centuries, and do they remain fit without any pills. Additionally, it has been used by several tribal for centuries. Each part of the fruit has benefits, including the roots, the trunk, the bark, and the speeds. Indian tribes have been using this divine tree for ages, and they use each part for different health issues. 


Graviola fruit is filled with carbohydrates, and various types of Vitamins such as B1, B2 and C. Additionally, there are other valuable minerals like magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium and phosphorous. There is strong protein component known as glycol protein, which binds to sugars. 

Uses of Plants Parts

In several parts of Brazil; you will find that roots, trunks and leaves are used as a sedative tree, and battling against nervousness. Additionally, in Latin America it is used as a heart tonic medium, in addition to sedative part. The leave tree is capable of solving several liver problems, and when mixed with olive oil; it can cure deadly diseases like Arthritis and Rheumatism. 

Brazil folk uses the leave to fight against parasites, while Peruvian folk uses it for fighting Catarrh.

Fever can be cured using either fruits, seeds, or leaves.

West Indies and Jamaica people used the fruit as a sedative for cough and flu. Additionally, it is used for fighting asthma, hypertensions, and all form of parasites. 

Power of Graviola

It is capable of fighting 12 types of cancer, such as lung cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Abdominal Cancer, Ovary Cancer, Pancreas Cancer, Skin Cancer, Uterus Cancer, Liver Cancer, Boon Cancer, and Bladder Cancer. This is the most suitable alternative to chemotherapy, and it has minimal side effects. Chemotherapy has several side effects like hair loss, nausea, and skin allergies. 

This fruit contains substances, which are more than 10,000 times more powerful than the drugs used in the chemotherapy. The cure is already available in several nations, and the survivor ratio is much higher. 

It is a strong nutrient, which is capable of eating the cancer cells from inside, in addition to neutralizing virus and bacteria. 

Tea made from Graviola leaves has been used in Amazon countries for curing liver, and stomach disorders.

A tea made from the combination of bark, leaves, and roots are used as a sedative, calming the nerves, and reducing high blood pressure. 

Scientific Research on Graviola

The power has been proven by several science institutes, and the fruit has been studied from the 20th century. At that time, the scientists found that Graviola has component named as "Annonacaeous Acetogenins, which was proved to be effective against tumor cells, and toxins which kill the cancer in a unique way. In other words, Graviola fruit has components, which isolate the cancer cells from others, and stop providing these cells with nutrient. The cancer cells dies in the absence of nutrient, and they are isolated from the body without any side effects.

The components are present in the plant, and different combination is used to treat different diseases. The components are anti-parasite, anti-bacteria, anti-cancerous, anti-depressive, and anti-spasmodic. The results were approved by several medical institutes, but the acclamation was too less. 
In the year 1976, researches carried out by National Cancer Institute of the USA, the therapeutic effect of Graviola resulted in curing of "Adenocarcinoma" of the large intestine. The plant is used best in the natural form, and it cannot be patented in any form. The pharmacy companies could not afford the major losses, so they never highlighted its true powers. There have been more than a million deaths due to cancer, and even after so much technical advancement, the surety of the life is very less. The power of the fruit could have saved several lives, but the companies are still looking for profits.

Tribal People Wisdom

It is still a huge debate, whether our technology has evolved to beat the precious herbs offered by the nature. The tribal people do not have huge laboratories for research or converting a plant into a pill. Additionally, they do not have a big hospital with lots of trained staff, and modern medical facilities. However, you would never have seen a native people admitted in hospital due to cancer.

The native people give several valuable ideas for leading a healthy life. We consider ourselves civilized, and stay away from raw plants. We have depleted several natural resources, and removed large areas of forests. Additionally, we do not care about the society, unless we are directly affected by it. Technology advancement has benefitted us in several ways, but it has minimized our body immunity, and made it vulnerable against several deadly diseases. You will still not remember the last time, when you had used any natural product to cure any disease. Our rainforest is capable of solving all the diseases across the globe. 

There are several western countries, which have started using the power of Graviola, as a natural fruit. The cure is not only limited to Cancer, but several other deadly diseases. 


The dosing is strictly dependent on individual age, health, and the body conditions. At present, it is not possible to calculate the exact dosage of Graviola. Additionally, natural product can be deadly too, if not consumed in the correct amount. You need to follow appropriate dosage mentioned on the label, or contact your physician for the same. The doctors and scientists are yet to provide the exact dosage. 


When you research about this product online; you would find several people using it for more than 7 years. There are many diseases, other than the AIDS, which do not have the proper treatment procedure. As mentioned above, Graviola is capable of isolating the cancer cells from the body, and improves the body structure in fighting other diseases.

As per recent surveys in Brazil, Graviola fruit is capable of killing the Hospital Virus, which do not have a 100% cure till now. However, the component which kills it virus is still not found. 

It will always be a tough decision to switch to the Amazon rain forest, as you have been made to think in only 1 direction. 

On the other side; it has been found that Graviola has adverse effects on some type of people. It has a huge amount of annonacin, and it can cause nerves damage, and movement disorders, which is very similar to Parkinson disease. Additionally, it can lower your blood pressure to a much lower level, and can create health complications. Hence, it is individual best interest to avoid these fruits; if he or she is facing low blood pressure problems. Additionally, since the plant kills beneficial bacteria too, and hence can cause severe infections. 

It is strict no for pregnant women, and breast feeding women. Additionally, it is not suited for patients with hypertension or hyperglycemia. Repeated use is also capable of increasing the toxicity in the liver and kidneys. The results have been tried mostly on animals, and the results were accurate. There are some popular medical institutes, which have suggested that the fruits should be tested more on humans, before releasing it for general public. 

Lastly, it is up to the individual to decide, whether he wants to go for the popular Chemotherapy treatment or the natural Graviola fruit way. At present more researches are being performed, and more accurate results will be visible. 


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