A Guide to Content Insurance

There are several businessmen across the globe, and none of them can deny that they are concerned about their business property. Everyone takes safety guides, depending on the scale of their business. However, there are some people, who get an early call at 4:00 a.m. about the invasion at their property, or getting affected by any natural disaster. 

It is obvious, that as a business person; your property would always remain at risk. However, there is a good scheme of content insurance, which can cover all risks associated with your property. Irrespective of the enterprise being small or medium. The insurance cover is available for business property tenants, or the lease holders. 

building contents insurance

Thieves are the biggest risks to anyone’s property, and they are eagerly waiting for harming commercial property. They will get huge profits, if they can steal your goods, steal or harm your valuable data. This can harm your business reputation in the society, and result in significant losses. 

Policy Factors

A business content insurance policy is dependent on two major factors. 

  • Location of Building: The location of the building is important, where the goods have been kept. There are some areas, which are prone to theft, and are not safe for business. If you are living in one of those areas, then you have to pay more for protecting your content. Each company has their own set of statistics, and you need to check their defined areas.

  • Cost of the Assets: The cost of the property is determined by the value of the property in the business premises. You need to inform companies about the value of your business property, and pay accordingly. If the price value is more, then the premium will be more for covering your assets. 

There are some valuable items, which are portable, and can be easily resold for cash. These items are known as high risk stock items, and it include, audio, designer clothing, drugs, cigarette and tobacco, telephones, mobile, cameras, jewelry, precious metals, alcohol and spirits. You have to calculate the total value of these items, before submitting the application of the cover. 

Every content insurance policies would ask you to declare the replacement value of the goods on the property. Majority of cases, the final value is divided into several sections for business equipment like computers equipment, chair and furniture, business stick, machinery, and every other property. 

Majority of insurance policies provide cover for every buildings and businesses, but some policies may introduce some conditional clauses. 

As mentioned above, a theft prone area may attract tough restrictions on the property, and its contents. You will require a special type of approved alarms, CCTV, secured locks, windows grill and bars, security persons, which will keep your premium costs down, and generate huge discounts for you.

Business content insurance policies have a clause of guaranteeing the safety of your commercial goods including fire and flood. Some companies might not provide you guarantee your safety against flood, if they feel your location is prone to flood. 

Small business enterprise are mostly provided with packages, which provides most of the risk covers. There are several companies, who is offering attractive packages, and you can check comparison websites for the best packages. Hotels, Pubs, restaurants and surgeries are covered in small business insurance packages. 

Lastly, it is never a bad idea to consider content insurance for your business. You will get a good risk cover, and you can attain better profits, if you have security measures in your company. Since, there is massive competition, every company offers good packages, and you can check websites for comparing the deal. However, you should consider your location, and see if the risk is covered. 


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